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Some items below are PDF's and to open and view them correctly you require an up to date version of Adobe Reader.


Proxy Form

Pet Application


Strata Living Booklet

Everything you need to know about Living in your Strata Building


Please note Mould is not always caused by a fault with the building.

Internal condensation can be the most likely cause, especially in winter or if your unit is on the southern side of the building and in constant shade.

Venting the warm moist air by opening a window or installing a vent in the ceiling or wall can prevent Mould in most cases. Installation of a vent will require approval from the Owners Corporation. However if you leave windows open during the night or windows open onto dense trees or bushes you may be making things worse by letting mildew into the room.

Owners should request further information and discuss having a builder attend site with a moisture meter to check and see if there is moisture entering the unit due to a fault with the building, (eg: A leaking pipe or window). This check can also ascertain if the problem lies solely with internal condensation.

Finding an answer on what may be causing the Mould is the key to dealing with the problem in the correct way.


For all key requests please contact our office on 9907 0006

Note: Tenants will need to provide written approval from an agent or owner to purchase new keys.

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